Office Policies
Wellness exams include follow-up visits to fix prescription errors, up to 3 MONTHS from your original exam date. After three months, an office visit fee is charged because other factors may influence prescription changes. We do not verify the accuracy of online glasses purchases or provide pupillary distance. Any problems after 6 MONTHS, requires a new eye exam.
I understand that information obtained from my INSURANCE plan on my behalf, is not a guarantee of payment or benefits, and that I am obligated to pay any portion of office fees not covered by my insurance company.
Not showing up to scheduled appointments will incur a NO-SHOW FEE of $50, which must be paid before another appointment is scheduled.
Contact lens prescriptions require all necessary follow-ups (including new wearer training) before a prescription will be released. Contact lens exams include up to 3 follow-up visits within 2 months.
If you fill this prescription, you must agree and accept all responsibility for any prescription change remakes. If you do not agree with this, please do not fill this prescription.